Things at my house have been relatively quiet; Now that is a fear in itself, I must admit. I have never done normal, never have, and probably never will.
It’s just my life, and I have grown accustom to it. Now we all know that Tux my 3lb Pomeranian tends to keep everything going, and I must admit that he has been quite good the last couple of months, but through all of my analyzing I have realized that Tux gets on his rolls when he thinks he has someone to impress. I’m thinking he has been so good because there has been no new 4 legged critters to impress; UNTIL NOW! Yep you got it, we now have Tanner. Tanner is a standard poodle puppy of 11 months. Tanner is a rescue has lived his whole short life in a garage in a cage not knowing sun light or grass, so he came to me with many issues. Tuxy loves Tanner, now how sweet is that?
Tux has been around for 4 years and I'm never surprised anymore of the accomplishment that Tuxy in his small 3lb body can do in his effort in obtaining world domination. Just think countries have fallen with larger leaders then Tux, yep you got it; my sanity has ended, Tux is always looking for new recruits; and has now recruited Tanner. OMG! Tanner is around 60 lbs and Tuxy is 3 lbs.. Tanner is ripe for the learning and Tux is a pro. There is no other species like Tux, (can we all say a huge Amen to that one?) And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt you all give a big thanks to your maker that you do not have a Pomeranian like Tux, and believe me there have been many a day I wish he was somebody’s else’s dog and I can’t sit back and laugh at the other poor owner instead of constantly cleaning up the Tuxster Mayhem.
It’s just my life, and I have grown accustom to it. Now we all know that Tux my 3lb Pomeranian tends to keep everything going, and I must admit that he has been quite good the last couple of months, but through all of my analyzing I have realized that Tux gets on his rolls when he thinks he has someone to impress. I’m thinking he has been so good because there has been no new 4 legged critters to impress; UNTIL NOW! Yep you got it, we now have Tanner. Tanner is a standard poodle puppy of 11 months. Tanner is a rescue has lived his whole short life in a garage in a cage not knowing sun light or grass, so he came to me with many issues. Tuxy loves Tanner, now how sweet is that?
Tux has been around for 4 years and I'm never surprised anymore of the accomplishment that Tuxy in his small 3lb body can do in his effort in obtaining world domination. Just think countries have fallen with larger leaders then Tux, yep you got it; my sanity has ended, Tux is always looking for new recruits; and has now recruited Tanner. OMG! Tanner is around 60 lbs and Tuxy is 3 lbs.. Tanner is ripe for the learning and Tux is a pro. There is no other species like Tux, (can we all say a huge Amen to that one?) And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt you all give a big thanks to your maker that you do not have a Pomeranian like Tux, and believe me there have been many a day I wish he was somebody’s else’s dog and I can’t sit back and laugh at the other poor owner instead of constantly cleaning up the Tuxster Mayhem.
Tanner very shy and quiet and has a few issues we are trying to deal with. So we try really hard not to upset him at anytime. It’s like 2 steps forward and 30 steps back with Tanner, “BUT” will not put up with anyone being shy in my house. Tux‘s goal is that everyone should act just like him! So now let’s think about This, A 60 lb Tuxy??? Not in my lifetime I tell you! And I know Tuxy well enough that he would have given Hitler a run for his money! Yesterday I had a long day. I was more then tired, I had groomed all day, washed off the deck, (and then it rains), did some yard work, tried to clean Lani’s my granddaughter room..(She undone it in 5 minutes.) And of course Tuxy is helping and Tanner just watches and learns!
So with all this being said; I had a really long day and I’m tired and sore, so it’s somewhat Late. Baby puppies are in bed and perfect time for me to soak in the bath. All chores done, dishes done, Well you get the idea. So I start to run my bath and I hear a bunch of commotion downstairs so I go down to look to see what is going on; nothing to bad. Tanner and Tux running laps through the house. This is normal, but just a little new with Tanner not being used to hardwood floors. And this made him slide around most corners. OK, no problem they are not hurting anything. Tanner is playing, this is a good thing; means he is settling in just a wee bit more. Now tell me, do you think dogs can talk to each other without saying a word?Well just in case you have ever wondered.... THEY CAN! Now I know that Tuxy cannot counter surf….BUT .... Tanner can!
I go upstairs forgetting the roasted chicken I had left out on the counter to cool So I could de-bone it. I get into the bath and leave my door open so I can listen to the dogs. I can hear them barking, all of them. And believe me there is a lot of barking. I learned their barking, and this was a play bark. I’m not worried. Bree is sitting on her bed doing her homework. I hear her scream, “MOM! Tanner is running through the house with a chicken hanging from his mouth!” “WHAT?” I ask; Oh shoot I think, and no sooner does that thought passes and I’m ready to get out and see if I can save the chicken, then “BOOM” and then it hits..what is IT you ask IT is the equivalent of a 9.5 earthquake IT is Tuxy and Tanner! I now have Tanner in the bath with me with my dinner chicken in his mouth So I can’t even get out of the tub because I have this dog sitting on my lap with a chicken in his mouth.
OK I sit back down thinking how can I get this dog off my lap and save this chicken then “BOOM” here comes Tux with a chicken wing in his mouth into the tub with Tanner. So now I have 2 dogs taking a bath with me and my big butt trying to figure out how am I going to get out of this tub with 6 poms barking at the 2 dogs sitting in the tub with their human. Now any kind hearted person would say, OK look at those little poms all barking at the big bruiser sitting on my lap and Tuxy swimming with a chicken wing in his mouth trying to figure as to where he could put the darn thing in water. then their were Poms barking because they want to help their mommy? ha! that would be a big hell no!!
They could care less about me, they are more interested in the chicken then they are me, even if it has bubbles all over it! I have an idea, (yes I know, you see the brain cells frying) I grab a towel, wrap it around and scream for Bree. She comes running into the bathroom, She sees me; and is dying laughing .(darn kid, no respect I tell you). So she gives me her hand and says “ let me help you out!” with tears running down her eyes cause she’s laughing so hard. I take her hand and try to pull myself up; But Bree is probably 100lbs soaking wet, and me well, I have always been horizontally challenged.... and poor Bree did not have a chance in hell!! Yep you got it, she fell in the tub, on me, on the dogs.
Dave hears all the commotion as my tub is right over the garage. And I’m sure he must have thought the roof was caving in. He comes running up the stairs yelling “What the Hell is going on?” And then he sees me and Bree, Tanner, and Tuxy all in the bath tub and all the poms standing there waiting for Tanner to drop the chicken.
Do you think he cares, “NO” he’s to busy laughing at us. Dave’s very logical. It’s so simple to him as to how to get out of this dilemma; first he takes Tuxy out, (chicken
wing still in his mouth) and then he pulls Tanner out, yep you got it, with what is left of the chicken hanging from his mouth, and again, the race begins. Tanners feet no sooner hit the carpet then he’s off, yep, then Tuxy and the rest of the poms racing through the house soaking wet on Hardwood floors. It was ugly, real ugly! Dave helps Bree out of the tub and then me and takes off to see if he can save the chicken. Bree gets dressed as do I while picking pieces of chicken off me. From this moment on, I think I’ll stick to showers.
Dave hears all the commotion as my tub is right over the garage. And I’m sure he must have thought the roof was caving in. He comes running up the stairs yelling “What the Hell is going on?” And then he sees me and Bree, Tanner, and Tuxy all in the bath tub and all the poms standing there waiting for Tanner to drop the chicken.
Do you think he cares, “NO” he’s to busy laughing at us. Dave’s very logical. It’s so simple to him as to how to get out of this dilemma; first he takes Tuxy out, (chicken
wing still in his mouth) and then he pulls Tanner out, yep you got it, with what is left of the chicken hanging from his mouth, and again, the race begins. Tanners feet no sooner hit the carpet then he’s off, yep, then Tuxy and the rest of the poms racing through the house soaking wet on Hardwood floors. It was ugly, real ugly! Dave helps Bree out of the tub and then me and takes off to see if he can save the chicken. Bree gets dressed as do I while picking pieces of chicken off me. From this moment on, I think I’ll stick to showers.
I run downstairs to see what the house looks like.. “OMG this can’t be happening!" I just bought a 25 lb bag of flour to get ready for fall baking and seems during all the running around the house they ripped a hole in the bag.
Now try to picture this, Poms, with Tuxy in the lead, running through the house and
hitting the flour each time they passed through the kitchen (which would be about 3000 laps before they hit the tub) and then let’s not forget Tanner has now become the poms best friends.
hitting the flour each time they passed through the kitchen (which would be about 3000 laps before they hit the tub) and then let’s not forget Tanner has now become the poms best friends.
He still has the majority of the chicken in his mouth, yep you got it, he decided to lay
right down in the middle of the flour mess with his chicken and of course being soaking wet. Now have you ever mixed water with flour? and I just spent hours on their baths today all of them and Tanner took me 4 hours alone? Yeah big, no not big, huge mess! So I gather up the poms, put them in their x-pens and put Tanner outside. and Tux? I put Tux him in time out in his pen without his chicken wing.
right down in the middle of the flour mess with his chicken and of course being soaking wet. Now have you ever mixed water with flour? and I just spent hours on their baths today all of them and Tanner took me 4 hours alone? Yeah big, no not big, huge mess! So I gather up the poms, put them in their x-pens and put Tanner outside. and Tux? I put Tux him in time out in his pen without his chicken wing.
He can get out of the x-pen and I’m thinking that there is not a cage that will hold him, but if he knows what’s good for him he will stay in that cage until hell freezes over!
So today I am on my hands and knees cleaning up flour and water mixture that has hardened overnight, then I have to give all the poms baths again and try to get this mess out of their coats, and let’s not forget Tanner. Can we say dreadlocks in his coat. Now this one is not going to be easy but after all I have all day right?
So tell me what is the pom mom to do? And oh yes, I am so sore I can hardly move. I’m too old for this stuff! I so need a hug! And that was my day and why can't I just do Normal??
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