I have always been crazy about dogs and I have had as many as ten when I was raising and showing Pomeranian's.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006 and I had to place many of fur babies into forever homes.
With this being said, and after many lonely days, I had decided to look for a puppy to lift my spirits. I know nothing comes free in life so my search was more of a dream, just hoping and praying and watching the newspaper and Internet for just the right fur baby to come my way. I had a huge hole in my heart that just needed to be filled.
It was a very cold day here in Utah and I was feeling kind of down in the dumps. As I was sitting at my computer playing yet another free sixty minute online game, my eldest daughter walks in from work with two baby dachshunds puppies that need A temporary home, and my heart was captured and the whole would be filled at least temporarily.
Mom can we foster these two babies? We have an outbreak of Parvo at the clinic and need to keep the babies away from the clinic for about two weeks. Well of course, I said, and as of that moment it was set in stone, I had my babies to warm my heart, even if only temporarily.
Now I know a little about Doxies. They are smart, very smart and they are in a league of their own. Doxies are born with attitude and they will die with attitude. You can’t control a Doxie unless they allow it, even as tiny babies and times that by two? Needless to say you must be a brave soul to handle tow Doxie puppies.
With this being said, and after many lonely days, I had decided to look for a puppy to lift my spirits. I know nothing comes free in life so my search was more of a dream, just hoping and praying and watching the newspaper and Internet for just the right fur baby to come my way. I had a huge hole in my heart that just needed to be filled.
It was a very cold day here in Utah and I was feeling kind of down in the dumps. As I was sitting at my computer playing yet another free sixty minute online game, my eldest daughter walks in from work with two baby dachshunds puppies that need A temporary home, and my heart was captured and the whole would be filled at least temporarily.
Mom can we foster these two babies? We have an outbreak of Parvo at the clinic and need to keep the babies away from the clinic for about two weeks. Well of course, I said, and as of that moment it was set in stone, I had my babies to warm my heart, even if only temporarily.
Now I know a little about Doxies. They are smart, very smart and they are in a league of their own. Doxies are born with attitude and they will die with attitude. You can’t control a Doxie unless they allow it, even as tiny babies and times that by two? Needless to say you must be a brave soul to handle tow Doxie puppies.
Now Doxies are tenacious and very clever, they can out smart the most intelligent of humans! and this was going to be a What was I thinking moment.
Ciara offered to care for the little boy whom was promptly names Jack-Jack after a impetuous cartoon character from the movie The Incredibles (and that baby was a demon) and so from that moment on the Little boy was christened Jack-Jack! Dalaynee wanted to Christensen the little girl Rooby after a past pet that she adored; therefore the little girl was christened Rooby!
Now here I am with two Doxie puppies, one Rottie puppy that I and Scott are training for the Sheriff dept.I also had little Miss Princess Pooh Pooh Bear, aka Autumn. Let me tell you about little about Autumn. She is a social snob, She is much better then anyone in the universe and she is tough and she knows it. Other dogs don’t argue with Autumn, they just know to keep their distance or their will be hell to pay. She is a mere five pounds of ferocious Pomeranian. She can take anything down no matter what the size is in 2.5 seconds and she holds this title proudly.
Now in Autumn defense, she is 9 yrs old and has earned to right for some piece and quite in her life, as have I, so why I took on two Doxie puppies spawned from the seed of Satan, I am not sure, but I did. It’s not like I don’t have enough on my plate with my health, but my theory is If you don’t think about being sick, you won’t be sick! Yeah I pulled that right out of a box of cracker jacks!
I really need to tell you how these puppies came to be. Amberly is a vet tech, and with that job comes with many heart wrenching stories. Well seems a women brought in a delivering Doxie Mom, the women thought the Doxie was delivering a pup when in reality she was delivering the Doxie's uterus so the women brings the dog in to the vet, and then decided that she will not pay for a delivery and spay and signed the sick mom over to the vets.
The mama died after delivering one little boy (Jack-Jack) the vets did all they could to say mama but to no avail. The techs bottle feed Jack and he did well. The Vet’s office reported this lady to the ASPCA and found a puppy mill situation. The dogs were all brought to Amberly's office, where they were all brought up to health and shots.
They were able to find several litters and adults forever homes, all except 2 little babies, Rooby & Jack-Jack, so with all this being said, now I’m fostering 2 babies that are filling that hole in my heart!!
Now I must admit I did not think the mayhem would start as early as these babies are young, but so was Tux, and I quickly got rid of that thought!! So this is how I'm seeing it come into play; Rooby is a tiny snip of a pup that is as smart as they come and believe me she is in control of her dominion! Then you take Jack-Jack, not so smart; but is full of piss and vinegar!
This is how it's going to go down, Rooby is the mastermind Jack -Jack is the perpetrator! They are both full of Piss and vinegar and always looking for trouble. They have been here 3 days and already have the Rottie (named Hemi) backed into a corner fearing for his upper lip. Hemi is a puppy; only 5 mos old 24 inches at the shoulders and weights 65lbs and chalked full of STUPID! Hemi is the victim of 2 little 3lb Doxie.
Now Rottie puppies are a clumsy as they come, they are all feet, of little brain, and for the most part; a rock can outsmart a Rottie puppy. They are not Brightest crayon in the box! But in defense of poor Hemi he is a lovable goof and we have faith that he will grow some brains in the future!
Try if you can to picture this in your mind. Autumn, Hemi, Rooby and Jack-Jack, 3 cats, 2 babies, two 4 yr old and one 10 yr old, all under the same roof. Perfect picture for insanity. OK now Rooby sleeps with me, yeah I know bad move, especially when I need to find her a new home in a few weeks. Now y'all know it does not take much for my life to be insane, but hey in my defense, I think I do insane much better then most.
Good Heavens, we know the Good lord has tested this one with me! So here I am, the puppies have done their potty duty outside, as has Hemi and Autumn. Everyone is chomping at the bit for their morning meal, no biggie right? I should be able to pull that off right? So I get Hemi his food, he is fed. Then I fix autumn her food, all is good, and then the puppies. OK, can you see where this is going?
Should I of fed the puppies first? You betcha! You can only tell I have not have puppies in a very long time, So Autumn is fed in the Laundry room, I feed her there because I can shut the door so she can eat in peace, but the real reason is this; she would take anything that came near her food down, she would maim them, and she would bury them in a box in the backyard so their would not be any evidence of her dastardly deed or the idiot that tried to eat her food!
Hemi get Dry Puppy food, and the puppies get dry mixed with soft, Ha!!! I know you can see where the problems will start with this one. Hemi in the past has been food aggressive so we have had a lot of work to with him on this problem. So keep this in mind, I have to watch him closely because the other dogs.
Ciara offered to care for the little boy whom was promptly names Jack-Jack after a impetuous cartoon character from the movie The Incredibles (and that baby was a demon) and so from that moment on the Little boy was christened Jack-Jack! Dalaynee wanted to Christensen the little girl Rooby after a past pet that she adored; therefore the little girl was christened Rooby!
Now here I am with two Doxie puppies, one Rottie puppy that I and Scott are training for the Sheriff dept.I also had little Miss Princess Pooh Pooh Bear, aka Autumn. Let me tell you about little about Autumn. She is a social snob, She is much better then anyone in the universe and she is tough and she knows it. Other dogs don’t argue with Autumn, they just know to keep their distance or their will be hell to pay. She is a mere five pounds of ferocious Pomeranian. She can take anything down no matter what the size is in 2.5 seconds and she holds this title proudly.
Now in Autumn defense, she is 9 yrs old and has earned to right for some piece and quite in her life, as have I, so why I took on two Doxie puppies spawned from the seed of Satan, I am not sure, but I did. It’s not like I don’t have enough on my plate with my health, but my theory is If you don’t think about being sick, you won’t be sick! Yeah I pulled that right out of a box of cracker jacks!
I really need to tell you how these puppies came to be. Amberly is a vet tech, and with that job comes with many heart wrenching stories. Well seems a women brought in a delivering Doxie Mom, the women thought the Doxie was delivering a pup when in reality she was delivering the Doxie's uterus so the women brings the dog in to the vet, and then decided that she will not pay for a delivery and spay and signed the sick mom over to the vets.
The mama died after delivering one little boy (Jack-Jack) the vets did all they could to say mama but to no avail. The techs bottle feed Jack and he did well. The Vet’s office reported this lady to the ASPCA and found a puppy mill situation. The dogs were all brought to Amberly's office, where they were all brought up to health and shots.
They were able to find several litters and adults forever homes, all except 2 little babies, Rooby & Jack-Jack, so with all this being said, now I’m fostering 2 babies that are filling that hole in my heart!!
Now I must admit I did not think the mayhem would start as early as these babies are young, but so was Tux, and I quickly got rid of that thought!! So this is how I'm seeing it come into play; Rooby is a tiny snip of a pup that is as smart as they come and believe me she is in control of her dominion! Then you take Jack-Jack, not so smart; but is full of piss and vinegar!
This is how it's going to go down, Rooby is the mastermind Jack -Jack is the perpetrator! They are both full of Piss and vinegar and always looking for trouble. They have been here 3 days and already have the Rottie (named Hemi) backed into a corner fearing for his upper lip. Hemi is a puppy; only 5 mos old 24 inches at the shoulders and weights 65lbs and chalked full of STUPID! Hemi is the victim of 2 little 3lb Doxie.
Now Rottie puppies are a clumsy as they come, they are all feet, of little brain, and for the most part; a rock can outsmart a Rottie puppy. They are not Brightest crayon in the box! But in defense of poor Hemi he is a lovable goof and we have faith that he will grow some brains in the future!
Try if you can to picture this in your mind. Autumn, Hemi, Rooby and Jack-Jack, 3 cats, 2 babies, two 4 yr old and one 10 yr old, all under the same roof. Perfect picture for insanity. OK now Rooby sleeps with me, yeah I know bad move, especially when I need to find her a new home in a few weeks. Now y'all know it does not take much for my life to be insane, but hey in my defense, I think I do insane much better then most.
Good Heavens, we know the Good lord has tested this one with me! So here I am, the puppies have done their potty duty outside, as has Hemi and Autumn. Everyone is chomping at the bit for their morning meal, no biggie right? I should be able to pull that off right? So I get Hemi his food, he is fed. Then I fix autumn her food, all is good, and then the puppies. OK, can you see where this is going?
Should I of fed the puppies first? You betcha! You can only tell I have not have puppies in a very long time, So Autumn is fed in the Laundry room, I feed her there because I can shut the door so she can eat in peace, but the real reason is this; she would take anything that came near her food down, she would maim them, and she would bury them in a box in the backyard so their would not be any evidence of her dastardly deed or the idiot that tried to eat her food!
Hemi get Dry Puppy food, and the puppies get dry mixed with soft, Ha!!! I know you can see where the problems will start with this one. Hemi in the past has been food aggressive so we have had a lot of work to with him on this problem. So keep this in mind, I have to watch him closely because the other dogs.
Now I have not had an incident with Hemi in over 2 months, so I think he got the idea that food aggression is not acceptable under any circumstance and that battle has been won by the humans! BUT when you have 2 very naughty puppies that think any other food is better then theirs, can bring out the beast in even the most docile animal. So with the puppies discovering that they are in control; the monarchy has started. They shall rule, And with an iron paw! And poor Hemi, he is the victim, poor baby.
So I will set up the picture for you; Autumn in the laundry room out of harms way; Puppies at one end of the kitchen; Hemi at the other; Hemi smells something really good at the wrong side of the kitchen, and this is not good! I feed the puppies on a paper plate; less dishes for me.
Then it happen, I see the Rottie nose is in the air, he is homing in on something that smells much better then what he has, his nose is no longer in his dish. Now the puppies thinking they have and gone to heaven, awww such wonderful food, and now Hemi knows he had been slighted, runs to the other side of the kitchen before I could intercept him. Puppies hold onto their domain; nipping Hemi on the nose, he stands back and stares at puppies, Must get a new game plan, thinks Hemi and need to do it fast before the steak and lobster is gone, (not really steak and lobster, but Hemi doesn't know that) stands for a split second and stares, OK Hemi is thinking, 65lb of Rottie; 3lbs of Doxie, Piece of Cake! can we say Wrong!
So this is how it goes down in 2.5 seconds of mayhem; Puppies see Hemi coming for the food; Jack grabs the paper plate; runs between Hemi's legs and at the same time Hemi tries to run through Hemi's legs, you would of have to of seen it, if you could tied a Rottie in a knot that would have been Hemi. Even a boy scout could not do as well tying a knot. Rooby is missing the food, so she goes at the biggest thing within nipping distant (even though the poor Rottie does not have the plate) and she is dog with a mission; she not sure what the mission is, but she is on one.
Jack is in the family room, Hemi finds him, tries to stomp on the plate slips on the tile floor and face plants it,Roo sees this as an opportunity to nip his muzzle (Just in case he had any big ideas, she was setting it straight; she is Boss!) So while all this going down the cat runs through the house and Hemi who has been stricken with ADD tries to chase the cat (I think he forgot what his other mission was) this scares the cat; the cat hits the water dish; the water dish is one of the gallon dishes that refills? Yeah, well the cat knocks a gallon of water on the floor; Hemi hit his dog food dish dry food flies through the air and the cat is not even hitting the ground; he is leaping from couch to couch.
Now the puppies think that this looks like fun, so they join in; so picture this cat running anywhere to get away from Hemi; Hemi running anywhere trying to get away from the puppies and eat the cat; puppies hit the water slide into first base hitting the kitchen cupboards; they get up trying to get traction on the wet tile when the cat flies by and following is the Rottie not even sure what he was doing now, but it sure was fun! I yell for Scott (Hemi's other human owner) and tell him that I need help pronto. He comes upstairs and sees the house that would now qualify for financials aid and declared a disaster area. "What the hell happened?" he asked as a matter of fact your dog happened! There is no way my dog could have done this! As a matter of fact he did do this! I snapped, In fact your half of the dog did this, you know the ass end? and at this time I handed Scott the broom and mop, Start Cleaning!
So I will set up the picture for you; Autumn in the laundry room out of harms way; Puppies at one end of the kitchen; Hemi at the other; Hemi smells something really good at the wrong side of the kitchen, and this is not good! I feed the puppies on a paper plate; less dishes for me.
Then it happen, I see the Rottie nose is in the air, he is homing in on something that smells much better then what he has, his nose is no longer in his dish. Now the puppies thinking they have and gone to heaven, awww such wonderful food, and now Hemi knows he had been slighted, runs to the other side of the kitchen before I could intercept him. Puppies hold onto their domain; nipping Hemi on the nose, he stands back and stares at puppies, Must get a new game plan, thinks Hemi and need to do it fast before the steak and lobster is gone, (not really steak and lobster, but Hemi doesn't know that) stands for a split second and stares, OK Hemi is thinking, 65lb of Rottie; 3lbs of Doxie, Piece of Cake! can we say Wrong!
So this is how it goes down in 2.5 seconds of mayhem; Puppies see Hemi coming for the food; Jack grabs the paper plate; runs between Hemi's legs and at the same time Hemi tries to run through Hemi's legs, you would of have to of seen it, if you could tied a Rottie in a knot that would have been Hemi. Even a boy scout could not do as well tying a knot. Rooby is missing the food, so she goes at the biggest thing within nipping distant (even though the poor Rottie does not have the plate) and she is dog with a mission; she not sure what the mission is, but she is on one.
Jack is in the family room, Hemi finds him, tries to stomp on the plate slips on the tile floor and face plants it,Roo sees this as an opportunity to nip his muzzle (Just in case he had any big ideas, she was setting it straight; she is Boss!) So while all this going down the cat runs through the house and Hemi who has been stricken with ADD tries to chase the cat (I think he forgot what his other mission was) this scares the cat; the cat hits the water dish; the water dish is one of the gallon dishes that refills? Yeah, well the cat knocks a gallon of water on the floor; Hemi hit his dog food dish dry food flies through the air and the cat is not even hitting the ground; he is leaping from couch to couch.
Now the puppies think that this looks like fun, so they join in; so picture this cat running anywhere to get away from Hemi; Hemi running anywhere trying to get away from the puppies and eat the cat; puppies hit the water slide into first base hitting the kitchen cupboards; they get up trying to get traction on the wet tile when the cat flies by and following is the Rottie not even sure what he was doing now, but it sure was fun! I yell for Scott (Hemi's other human owner) and tell him that I need help pronto. He comes upstairs and sees the house that would now qualify for financials aid and declared a disaster area. "What the hell happened?" he asked as a matter of fact your dog happened! There is no way my dog could have done this! As a matter of fact he did do this! I snapped, In fact your half of the dog did this, you know the ass end? and at this time I handed Scott the broom and mop, Start Cleaning!
Now Scott knew that I attracted dogs from the gates of hell, I do not look for them, but they found me anyway and my Tux was the gate keeper. He was one of a kind (thank you God) and even though I told Scott in the very beginning that no matter how much you pay for a dog, or get one from the shelter just being near me will cause a disaster of biblical proportions. I told him.
Darn kids never listen but in Scott’s defense unless you lived it you would have no concept of what kind of dogs I tend to attract why? I will never know, but they tend to find me! So as I tell Scott to Start Cleaning! I scoop up my babies and get a towel dry them off as I walk through the kitchen saying loud enough for Scott to hear me, Did that big bad mean Rottie scare my poor little innocent babies?
And that was my day how was yours?
Darn kids never listen but in Scott’s defense unless you lived it you would have no concept of what kind of dogs I tend to attract why? I will never know, but they tend to find me! So as I tell Scott to Start Cleaning! I scoop up my babies and get a towel dry them off as I walk through the kitchen saying loud enough for Scott to hear me, Did that big bad mean Rottie scare my poor little innocent babies?
And that was my day how was yours?