Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A day with the Kanado.

What is a Kanado? My grandson Kayden; one baby demolitions derby. What’s with the nick name Kanado? Because I made it up and it fits him perfectly. Think about it tornado? And Kayden, hence; Kanodo.

Now we have the privilege of having the Kanado here with us most every other weekend to visit his gammie and family. I love the little bugger, he is just as cute he can be and he knows how to work the women in his life. He is a work in progress as are all babies. With Kayden who is on one yr old, the world belongs to him and he rules with his little iron fist. He is a one baby catastrophe away for the next.

From the moment he enters the door, he is on a mission; what is the mission? He doesn’t know he just knows he has so much to do and he needs to start yesterday.

When the little man comes to visit we need to get ready; what do I mean by getting ready? That is so easy, he is into everything, we have baby safety locks for the entire kitchen, we have electric plugs, we have baby proofed our home and the Kanoado will find something that we forgot. Take the dog water; I bought a large container for the Rotties that is constantly free flowing water. Now I’m old, not dirt old but I creak when I walk and sometimes I forget to do thing like picking up the one gallon container of water. This is playground for little Kanoado, think of how a Baby would think, hummm what is this? Looks interesting, maybe even entertaining, I must explore and see the magic it holds.

OK now I have been around the block or two or three or four, (yeah that can go on and on). I have raised many babies and I do know how they think and I know that look, you know the look that when their about to do something that they know they are one suppose to do? Yeah, that look. They push the limits, they take their little baby hands and look you straight in the eye and reach for what they are not suppose to touch. They know this, but they count on the little adorable baby look they give you. The look works for most, it is really cute I must admit, but I’m grandma, and the look does not work for me.

So Kanado sees the water, all one gallon of it. He is told a firm no and removed from the temptation and place is what I would consider the Toys-R-Us playroom, but to Kayden it is not entertained; not in the least. He must do things that get him into a mass destruction mode. Not good for the old people in his life. He lives from one adventure to the other, that’s the Kanado; and probably a sign of things to come in his future life. Scary to say the least.

So I decide to go downstairs to do some laundry, Amanda was here to watch him, but she thought I took him down with me. “And that’s what you get for thinking!”

The Kanado can go mock 90 either on his little feet, or crawling on the floor, he is fast, real fast. He was back in the kitchen in 2.5 seconds with all intentions of the dog’s water dish. This was his mission and he was not going to be stopped no how no way.

I think this is how it went down, Kanado was going to have the water dish at any cost. So Mommy went upstairs to get him a diaper, she left for mere seconds, but in those few mere seconds Kanado was going to wreak havoc in my kitchen. This is only speculations as I was not in the kitchen with the little man and he persuade his dastardly deeds. So here goes. The water dish was just freshly filled, not any longer, the 40lb bag of dry dog food by the water dish? Yep, water was taking over the whole thing. The new 10lb of flour that I had to replace from the chicken frying incident? not any longer. Let’s not forget when something is water soaked and sealed in paper how fast things can go haywire.

I come upstairs to see little Kayden sitting in the midst of flour, water, and wet dry dog food. Kayden is a charmer, as I said he knows how to work the women in his life. Kanado looks up at me as he is sitting in the new mess drenched if this horrid concoction and cracked the biggest smile he could pull from the debts of his iddy biddy soul.

Of course that smile brought a smile to my face; after all he is my grandson and the most adorable Kanado I have ever seen. I go to the stairs and call Amanda to tell her she has a little mess to clean up with Kanado. Amanda comes down stairs and looks around as I say he is in the kitchen, (you don’t think I was going to clean it up do you? you would be so sadly mistaken) KAYDEN what did you do? OMG I don’t believe this I wasn’t gone for more then 5 minutes and you did all this in 5 minutes? Holy Crap, geeeeezzzz child is this a sign of things to come?

And me? All I could do was smile and walk away mumbling I told you a long time ago I wished a child just like you, and guess what? you got it. I love poetic justice don’t you?

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